Possibilities of economic policy for regulation of sectorspecific markets in small country: the case of Baltic countries. Majanduspoliitilised võimalused erandvaldkondade reguleerimiseks väikeriigis Balti riikide näitel
economics of regulation, government policy and regulation, regulated industries, regulatory institutionsAbstract
In the article is analyzed the regulation of sector-specific industries from institutional aspects of regulation and competition policy. There is researched answer to the question what type of institutional arrangement is suitable for regulating network industries in the Baltic countries. Under the observation are three different organizational standard models: single sector-specific regulators and competition board; integrated multi-sector regulatory institution and separate competition board; and unitary competition supervisory and regulatory institution.Downloads
How to Cite
Eerma, D. (2010). Possibilities of economic policy for regulation of sectorspecific markets in small country: the case of Baltic countries. Majanduspoliitilised võimalused erandvaldkondade reguleerimiseks väikeriigis Balti riikide näitel. Estonian Discussions on Economic Policy, 18. https://doi.org/10.15157/tpep.v18i0.871
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