Usuteaduslik Ajakiri <p>Usuteaduslik Ajakiri is a peer-reviewed journal with an international editorial board that publishes articles on theology, religion, and related topics. Contributions debating the views of an article already published in the journal are also welcome.</p> <p>For contributions, as well as for substantive and formal questions concerning the journal, please send an e-mail to <a href=""></a>, or</p> <p>Usuteaduslik Ajakiri<br />Akadeemiline Teoloogia Selts<br />Ülikooli 18-310<br />51014 Tartu</p> Akadeemiline Teoloogia Selts en-US Usuteaduslik Ajakiri 1406-6564 Ühe varauusaegse hauatähise retoorika: kriitika, korrektiivid ja uued hüpoteesid <p><strong>The Rhetoric of an Early Modern Tombstone: Criticisms, Corrections, and New Hypotheses.</strong></p> <p>The Baron Pontus de la Gardie monument (after 1589–1593) is the first such magnificent early modern work of memorial art dedicated to the memory of a nobleman not belonging to the royal family, not only in Estonia, but apparently in the entire area under the authority of the Swedish crown. Until now, the Gustav Vasa monument in Uppsala has been considered as its example, and more indirect examples have been sought in the Netherlands, Germany and France.</p> <p>The research showed that there is reason to look at the details of all the monuments of the members of the Swedish royal family erected in the Uppsala Cathedral to the end of the 1580s as the closest ideal examples. The arquitectonic and design elements of the monuments, even the use of some materials, point to the interrelationships of Tallinn tombstone and Uppsala monuments. Beside this there is a reason to look for examples of relief details mainly in the Netherlands. Johan Vredeman de Vrie, Jakob Floris and Maarten de Vos must be mentioned as the main authors of the exemplary engravings.</p> <p>In the course of the study, based on a qualitative content analysis focused on the manifest part of the content, a more complete picture of the iconography used on the monument, the connections of its different layers and interaction with the verbal text of the monument was obtained. &nbsp;The orders and directions of "reading" established by the designer of the monument were also revealed, which confirmed some earlier hypotheses, but also brought up a number of points of view worthy of criticism, e.g. for example, about the overwhelming Lutheranism of the monument, but also about the message of the images.</p> <p>The last, but by no means the least important, must be mentioned the identification of facts that shed new light on the history of the formation of this grave marker. The factology found allows us to hypothesize that both Johan III and Willem Boy were involved in designing the monument. The latter makes it possible to place de la Gardie's monument in the context of the memorial art of the late 16th century in the Kingdom of Sweden.</p> Veikko Varik Copyright (c) 2023 2022-10-01 2022-10-01 83 3 3 59 Pühajõe mäss 17. sajandil ja selle taga olevad uskumused <p>The revolt of Pühajõgi river and the beliefs behind it</p> <p>In 1640 the landlord of Sõmerpalu in South-Estonia ordered to build a new watermill on the sacred river Pühajõgi. In the years 1641 and 1642 the weather turned extremely poor. Among the peasantry a strong belief set in that bad weather conditions were the revenge of Pühajõgi or the deity living there, who had been offended because of the dam and the mill built on it. The peasants destroyed the dam, the watermill and purified the river.</p> <p>In the article the perception of the nature by Estonian peasants of the 17<sup>th</sup> century is discussed. My main source is Johann Gutslaff’s book <em>Kurtzer Bericht und Unterricht Von der Falsch-heilig genandten Bäche in Lieffland Wöhhanda</em> (‘Short Report and Lesson on the Võhandu River, Wrongly Regarded as Holy in Livonia’, 1644).</p> Merili Metsvahi Copyright (c) 2023 2022-10-01 2022-10-01 83 3 60 81 Koguduse kasvu missioloogilised mudelid <p>The article presents the overview of church growth models as different church practices and approaches how church growth is understood and sought. These practices have emerged in a specific cultural and social environment, so their diversity is inevitable. These models are formulated by modeling the various practices which seek the growth of the church. The models of Church Growth discussed in this article are: Church Renewal and Revival; Home Church and Small Group; Church Growth; Church Health; Missional Church and Church Planting.</p> Ago Lilleorg Copyright (c) 2023 2022-10-01 2022-10-01 83 3 82 109 Diskursusanalüüsi rakendamine religiooniuuringutes: muinsuskaitseklubi Tõlet ajakirjade näide <p>During the last decade, discourse analysis (DA) has become a popular method in the religious studies. Unfortunately, due to the lack of knowledge of implementing DA in accordance with theory and method, there is a lack of clarity with regards to its proper application. It seems that vague understanding of the theoretical background of the method is the underlying problem and thus its main analytical concept – discourse – also remains vague. The aim of this article is to bring some clarity to the use of DA and to show how thoroughly method and theory are intertwined. An example of the implementation of DA is also given, highlighting how during Estonia’s revolutionary processes Cultural Heritage Club Tõlet’s ideals of independence and identity were connected to their idealization of Ancient Estonia.</p> Nele Dresen Copyright (c) 2023 2022-10-01 2022-10-01 83 3 110 146 Teoloogilised väitekirjad <p>Doktoritööd<br>EEKBKL Kõrgema Usuteadusliku Seminari diplomitööd<br>EELK Usuteaduse Instituudi magistri- ja lõputööd<br>EMK Teoloogilise Seminari diplomitööd<br>TÜ usuteaduskonna magistri- ja bakalaureusetööd</p> Usuteaduslik Ajakiri Copyright (c) 2023 2022-10-01 2022-10-01 83 3 147 151