The Story of the Altarpiece of St Peter’s Church in Kõpu


  • Hilkka Hiiop
  • Reet Pius



altarpiece, Lutheran Church, family legend, conservation, technical studies, 1840s


Author Biographies

Hilkka Hiiop

Hilkka Hiiop (PhD) is Professor at the Estonian Academy of Art,
Departement of Cultural Heritage and Conservation and Dean of the
Faculty of Art and Culture. Her PhD thesis treated the conservation
management of contemporary art. She has studied and worked as a
conservator in Berlin, Amsterdam and Rome, supervised a number of
conservation and technical investigation projects in Estonia, curated
exhibitions, and conducted scientific research on conservation and
technical art history.

Reet Pius

Reet Pius (née Rast, b. 1964). Her current research subject is the
Lutheran ecclesiastical art of the Enlightenment in Estonia and
Livonia. Previously, she studied the church art of the Early Modern
period. From 1987 to 1995, Pius was head of the Painting and
Polychromy Department at the Conservation Centre Kanut; from
1995 to 2009, the Coordinator of Research Work at the Art Museum of
Estonia. Pius is a co-author of History of Estonian Art 2 (2005) with
the topic ‘Altarpiece – Lord’s Table and object of prestige. Altar Art in
Estonia during the Early Modern Period’. Pius has curated exhibitions,
edited monographs and exhibition catalogues, and collaborated on
ICOM’s dictionary of museology.




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