Universities in Urban History: The University of Helsinki as a Landscape of Dialogue


  • Anja Kervanto Nevanlinna




University of Helsinki, urban architecture, university landscape, Enlightenment, Carl Ludvig Engel, Gustaf Nyström, communication, urban history


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Author Biography

Anja Kervanto Nevanlinna

Anja Kervanto Nevanlinna is Senior Research Fellow and Adjunct
Professor at the University of Helsinki. Her research has focused on
European urban history during industrial and post-industrial eras,
cultural history, architectural history and the history of cultural
heritage. She received her PhD in 1997 on the topic Interpreting Nairobi.
The Cultural Study of Built Forms. Her monographs include Voimat jotka
rakensivat Helsinkiä 1945–2010 (Forces that built Helsinki, 1945–2010),
vol. 4, History of Helsinki from 1945, History Committee of the City
of Helsinki (2012 in Finnish, 2014 in Swedish); Kadonneen kaupungin jäljillä. Teollisuusyhteiskunnan muutoksia Helsingin historiallisessa sydämessä (Tracing the lost city. The industrial transformation of the
historical heart of Helsinki) (2002); Interpreting Nairobi. The Cultural
Study of Built Forms (1996). She was Principal Investigator for the
Nordic-Baltic Research Project Industry and Modernism. Companies,
Architecture, and Identity in the Nordic and Baltic Countries during the
High-Industrial Period (2003–2007) and has published essays on urban
history and an architectural encyclopedia for the general public
(with Arne Nevanlinna, 2001). She is permanent member of the
Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters. Her current research relates
to architectural and urban preservation as political history.


