Insight into the city/town names of Latvia


  • Laimude Balode University of Helsinki Department of Modern Languages Unioninkatu 40 B FI-00014 Helsinki



onomastics, place names, Latvia


Abstract. The origin of place names is a research topic for linguists (or onomasticians) and geographers, but since ancient times a wide range of people have also been interested in the subject. As Latvia is the closest neighbour to both Lithuania and Estonia, they share, to a large extent, a common history, as well as – because of this fact – a number of borrowed common words and names. This article is based on the toponymical material included in the short dictionary of Latvian geographical names entitled “No Abavas līdz Zilupei” (“From Abava to Zilupe. The origin of Latvian geographical names”), which was compiled by Laimute Balode and Ojārs Bušs and published in Rīga in 2015. It offers insights into the contemporary situation of Latvian oikonyms as well as providing comparisons of the names of inhabited places with their historical names.

Kokkuvõte. Laimute Balode: Pilk Läti linnanimedele. Kohanimede päritolu on keeleteadlaste (täpsemalt nimeuurijate) ja geograafide uurimisvaldkond, mis on ammustest aegadest huvi pakkunud ka kõikidele teistele. Kuna Läti on Leedu ja Eesti lähinaaber, jagavad riigid suurel määral ühist ajalugu, mistõttu on neil ka hulk ühiseid laensõnu ja laenatud nimesid. Käesolev artikkel põhineb Läti kohanimeleksikoni “No Abavas līdz Zilupei” toponüümilisel ainestikul. See heidab pilgu tänapäeva Läti oikonüümide olukorrale ning võrdleb asustuste nimesid nende ajalooliste nimedega.

Märksõnad: onomastika; linnanimed; Läti


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How to Cite

Balode, L. (2017). Insight into the city/town names of Latvia. Eesti Ja Soome-Ugri Keeleteaduse Ajakiri. Journal of Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics, 8(1), 41–59.