On the functions of metrical dualism in M. Tsvetayeva's verse on the basis on the poem "How perfectly deceitful life is …." (1922)
The article discusses the notion of metrical dualism as a phenomenon of the reader's perception of verse. The author analyzes the prosody and metrics of Marina Tsvetayeva's poems "Неподражаемо лжет жизнь" ("How perfectly deceitful life is ….", 1922). However, the aim of this study is not to interpret the metre of Tsvetayeva's verse, but rather to obtain a model of reading verse and thus show how the reader's perception of metre changes. Thus, the author consciously has not considered the metric or the logaoedic interpretations of this poem, while approaching the text from the point of view of the reader's perception which is always aimed at the revealing of symmetric structures. This approach makes it possible to take into account such aspects as the variety of metric interpretations, the dynamic development of verse metre, the internal and external metrical boundaries in text, etc. The analysis of Tsvetayeva's verse reveals the interaction of two rhythmic patterns in the text, which is connected to the general meaning of the poem that tells the reader about the deceitfulness of life.Downloads
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How to Cite
Semenov, V. (2012). On the functions of metrical dualism in M. Tsvetayeva’s verse on the basis on the poem "How perfectly deceitful life is …." (1922). Sign Systems Studies, 40(1/2), 231–243. https://doi.org/10.12697/SSS.2012.1-2.12