Muudatusi ja arenguid Tartu Ülikooli raamatukogu kogude arenduse valdkonnas aastatel 2010–2021


  • Kristhel Haak
  • Kertu Uri



Changes and Movements in the Development of the University of Tartu Library Collections in 2010–2021

Regarding collections development, the years 2010–2021 were characterised by constantly shrinking sums for the acquisition of library materials, leading to the reduction in the number of copies acquired and causing the cancellation of subscriptions, as well as bringing about the reduction in the volume of publications exchange with research libraries in abroad. All in all, the collections development activities were seriously restricted by the scarcity of the acquisitions budget. Due to the completion of new university buildings and moving of university faculties and institutes to new locations, large amounts of older historical publications, periodicals and students’ research papers were handed over to the library. Processing of these materials has been extremely time and labour-consuming, since all the materials need checking against the catalogues and the library’s capacity in cleaning these materials and making necessary repairs is lacking. As several major library renovations fell into this period, excessive amounts of time and energy were spent in making all kinds of renovation-related preparations,
reorganisations and tidying up.


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