Raamatukogu teadlaste teenistuses

Erialainfotalituse areng ja töötajad


  • Lilian Neerut
  • Vilve Seiler
  • Tiiu Tarkpea




From the Library to Science and Researchers
Development and Staff Members of the Department of Subject Librarians

This is an overview of the work of the Department of Subject Librarians at the UT Library and their cooperation with the university in supporting teaching and research.
Among the main tasks of the Department of Subject Librarians have for years been databases-related advisory activities, the selection of packages of databases and digital journals for subscription and the organisation of test periods for the packages. Tasks related to university teaching include the mediation of information about ordering publications, organisation of the deposition of publications to university subunits and the lending of materials to the university teaching staff, and the preparation of reserved course materials packs. Teaching of information literacy to university and gymnasium students is an important area of work. Since 2014, the department has been developing open science-related services, focussing on teaching research data management and consulting about data management plans.
Another important field of activities includes user training and the raising of information knowledge awareness. Staff members developed an e-course for teaching information literacy for students. In cooperation with university institutes, the teaching of information literacy has been integrated into several curricula.

Staff members of the department also participate in the creation of the Estonian Subject Thesaurus.


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