Ülikooli raamatukoguvõrk aastatel 2010–2021


  • Lilia Külv




University of Tartu Library Network 2010–2021

University of Tartu Library Network, bringing together the University of Tartu Library and the subject libraries which function as separate units at the university institutes was established in 1999. By the beginning of 2011, the library e-catalogue included the collections of 42 subject libraries. The Library of the Narva College moved to its new location in the recently opened new college building in 2012. The Library is located on the highest floor of the building, enjoying an incredible view on the
border river and the cities on both riverbanks. Starting from 2013, the staff members of subject libraries were engaged in a new task of entering student research papers into the UT repository DSpace. In 2020, the subject libraries joined the pilot project where books borrowed from any of the university library network libraries can also be returned to any of the network libraries, not necessarily to the library they were borrowed from. This „inter-library returns” project proved to be so popular that it grew into a
regular service to library users. The new university building Delta, housing both the School of Economics and Business Administration and the Institutes of Computer Science and Mathematics and Statistics was opened in 2020. Here, two
subject libraries share one and the same library area. The Economics Library and the Mathematics and Computer Science Library, both having their own collections, were located in one and the same library hall, functioning at the same time as separate subject libraries and a unified library. By 2021, the UT Library Network included 29 subject libraries. The recent years have been quite hard for subject libraries’ staff due to COVID-19. However, the challenges have been met and library services have
been available for the users. In 2010–2021, staff members of subject libraries also helped the staff of the
main library in cleaning books and in the project of pop-up libraries during the main library renovation
period, and they also participated in trainings, seminars and study visits.


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