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Tartu Ülikooli raamatukogu 220. aastapäeval peetud kõne


  • Kaire Maimets


My Library
Speech made at the Festive Assembly to mark the 220th Anniversary of the UT Library

The library has played a very important role in the author’s life and intellectual development. From her home library, she quickly moved on to the city library and the school library, borrowing often and reading many books. One particularly memorable book was Une-Mati, Päris-Mati ja Tups, which described the library as a special place where a librarian emphasised the need for silence and the importance of books.

In the University of Tartu Library, she discovered the library as a bottomless source of knowledge. Her interest in musicology was first born from the Encyclopaedia Britannica article “music”; until then, she had only made music, not so much thought about music. The music department of the library offered her the opportunity to listen to music on CDs, where it was much easier to find her favourite passages. After reference books, she moved on to scientific literature - and a new world opened up. Later, when she studied musicology, the library became a place where she did her research and wrote her doctoral thesis and articles.

The meaning of the library for the author also lied in the peace and quiet that she found there. For her, the library was a place where she could focus on her work and research while still feeling part of the intellectual community. The author emphasised the anonymity and sense of security she experienced in the library.

In addition, she pointed out the library as a place where people are free to search, discover and find new knowledge. She reflected on the changing role of the library in modern society, where it is encouraged to involve new target groups and offer diverse services. Finally, she expressed her deep affection for the library and called it her „church” and „freedom.”

And she admits that she is proud to work there!


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Kaire Maimets






Raamatukogu 220