Infopädevus e-õppe teel


  • Vilve Seiler



The era of information literacy began at the University of Tartu Library in 2006, when the subject librarians, who had previously worked at different library departments, came together to form the Department of Subject Librarians. Teaching information literacy became an important part of their tasks. It was decided to create a web-based information literacy course and to find ways to add it to different university curricula. Starting from 2007, the e-course „Fundamentals of Information Literacy” is held every autumn semester as a university-wide optional course for bachelor and Master’s students. During 15 years, 2845 students have passed the course, the aim of which is to introduce the quality information resources available through the library and freely accessible on the internet, and to teach practical knowledge and skills of searching information on the students’ speciality. The e-course „Introduction to Information Research” has been offered to doctoral students starting from 2008. The courses take place in the Moodle learning environment and provide links to learning materials, instructions and forums, where the students submit their assignments and get feedback.
In 2009-2016, the e-course „Information Literacy or Why Google is not enough” was held for school students. The MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) „Information Literacy” was created in 2017; during five years, 2248 students passed the course. Starting from 2021, the course can be taken for a small participation fee. Based on the experience of conducting the MOOC, we redesigned the basic course of information literacy, where the achievement of learning outcomes is mostly checked with tests. This makes it possible to increase the number of students and to add the course as an optional or mandatory subject into the curricula of the fields that may want it.


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