Tartu Ülikooli raamatukogu konverentsisaali gobelääni saamislugu


  • Anneli Sepp




The Story of the Tapestry for the UT Library Conference Hall

The largest tapestry (5.6 x 10.9 m) in Tartu, completed by Mall Tomberg in 1979, adorns the end wall of the UT Library Conference Hall. Designing of the tapestry started already during the construction of the library building.

Its design shows abstract outlines of the old library building and the Emajõgi River. On this background, we can see portraits of the first Director of the library Karl Morgenstern and the first university Rector of the time Georg Friedrich Parrot.

The tapestry features many different details, illuminated windows, the silhouette of the F. G. W. Struve monument and the landscapes and lakes of Southern Estonia. The color of the tapestry is predominantly brown-gray, with added liveliness of red-blue, yellow and white. This work of art links the library’s present-day activities with the traditions that were born in the previous location of the library on the Toome Hill. The motto of Karl Morgenstern’s book collection LABOR DELECTAT (Work creates joy) also originates from the former library building.

The impressive tapestry was woven as four vertical panels under the direction of Mall Tomberg at the Tallinn Art Products Combine „ARS” and it has been very well preserved. The size of the work (61 m2) caused some difficulties when setting it up, but in the end, it fit exactly on the end wall of the Conference Hall.


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Tartu Ülikooli raamatukogu konverentsisaali gobelään


