Tartu Ülikooli Raamatukogu aastaraamat https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar <p>Tartu Ülikooli raamatukogu aastaraamat 1995-</p> en-US anneli.sepp@ut.ee (Anneli Sepp) heiki.epner@ut.ee (Heiki Epner) Wed, 06 Jul 2022 00:00:00 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Summaries https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/23254 Marika Liivamägi Copyright (c) 2023 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/23254 Sun, 18 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Eessõna https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19080 <p>Academic library has already for 200 years been inseparable from the teaching and research activities<br>at the University of Tartu. The effect of the library on the university life and work was expressively<br>summarised by Carl Simon Morgenstern, the first librarian and the founder of the Art Museum of the<br>Imperial University of Tartu. He said that as a professor, he would not be able to do as much for the<br>university as a librarian, who can acquire literature on all fields of science and, in such a way, strongly<br>support the university teaching and research.<br>The classical task of a research library has always been to provide researchers and students with versatile<br>academic literature and information. On the other hand, the library has consistently been developing to<br>become a space where all people can come to study and access knowledge. These opportunities will<br>become even wider and more welcoming with the digitisation of library collections and the making of<br>research data accessible for all.</p> Toomas Asser Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19080 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Meie raamatukogu ja meie aastaraamat https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19081 <p><strong>Our Library and our Yearbook</strong></p> <p>University of Tartu Library Yearbook comes out on the 220th anniversary of the Library. During these 220 years, our society has undergone a number of changes which have had their effect on the library as well. The library has always worked, planned and adjusted its activities in consideration of people’s educational needs. The university library of today evolves into an integrated environment, carrying forward the cultural memory, building relations across generations and cultures, and strengthening the spiritual backbone of society – the knowledge-based image of the world which respects all humanistic values.</p> Krista Aru Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19081 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Raamatukogu tänab ja tunnustab https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/22298 <p>Tunnustamine aastatel 2010-2021</p> Anneli Sepp Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/22298 Fri, 01 Jul 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Friedrich Puksoo auhind 2011–2021 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19124 <p>Alates Friedrich Puksoo 100. sünniaastapäevast, 23. jaanuarist 1990, annab Tartu Ülikooli raamatukogu<br>koostöös Eesti Raamatukoguhoidjate Ühinguga välja Friedrich Puksoo auhinda. Sellega tunnustatakse ühe<br>silmapaistva raamatuloo-, raamatukogundus- või bibliograafiaalase väljaande autorit.</p> Anneli Sepp Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19124 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Tartu Ülikooli raamatukogu strateegilised eesmärgid 2021–2025 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19087 <p><strong>Strategic Objectives of the University of Tartu Library 2021–2025</strong></p> <p>• Support to and enhancement of teaching at the University<br>• Welcoming environment and good partnership for R &amp; D<br>• Developing of the cultural and scientific heritage and providing it with access<br>• Valued and trustworthy cooperation partner<br>• Contributing into the growth of cultural awareness and the development of the science-based society<br>• Inclusive, stimulating and innovative organisation</p> Krista Aru Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19087 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Tartu Ülikooli raamatukogu struktuur https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19083 Krista Aru Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19083 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Inimeseks saamine https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19085 <p><strong>Becoming a Human</strong><br><br>This philosophical reflection, written for the Yearbook, looks into the relations between written words, human beings and the humanistic spirit.</p> Ilmar Vene Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19085 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Raamatukogu uues kuues: koht, ruum, tehnoloogia, inimene https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19086 <p><strong>Renewed Library – the Place, the Space, Technology and People</strong><br><br>In the past decade, the most important event and key word for the user services at our library was, without doubt, the renovation of the library building. Our preparations for the renovation were based on the understanding that the modern university library has to meet the academic needs and reflect the values, missions and objectives of its own and those of the university, as well as to host new knowledge and technology and offer ways for using them. Accordingly, we did not renovate only the building, redesigning the rooms and installing new flooring, shelving and furniture, but we changed some approaches to user services and to the user-library communication. This essay is an attempt to give some philosophical interpretations of these changes and to relate them with the needs of new generations of library users<br>and new aspects of the information society.</p> Olga Einasto Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19086 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Remondikümnend raamatukogus https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19088 <p><strong>A Decade Full of Renovations at the University of Tartu Library</strong><br><br>The library building, which entered its 40th year of functioning on 22 February 2022, had already for many years been urgently needing renovation. Some partial renovations had been made a few years earlier. In 2012, under the CO2 emissions quotas project, the library ventilation system was renewed, all windows were replaced and the roof and the front of the building were provided with thermal insulation; in 2013, the renovation proceeded to the reading rooms of the humanities and social sciences and a lift was installed in the building. However, because of the poor safety situation of the collections and people and due to the regulations of the Rescue Board, it was necessary to undertake a major renovation of the<br>whole building. Large-scale preparations for the renovation took several years. The process, planned to be done by stages which should have closed the library for users for only a few months, started in summer 2016. In reality, for different reasons it took two years and it was completed in August 2018. Although we were not able to get everything that we had wanted, for example, the 24/7 area, both the users and the staff members are all very happy with the renewed library.</p> Kristhel Haak, Liisi Lembinen, Kertu Uri, Kristina Pai Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19088 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Muudatusi ja arenguid Tartu Ülikooli raamatukogu kogude arenduse valdkonnas aastatel 2010–2021 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19089 <p><strong>Changes and Movements in the Development of the University of Tartu Library Collections in 2010–2021</strong><br><br>Regarding collections development, the years 2010–2021 were characterised by constantly shrinking sums for the acquisition of library materials, leading to the reduction in the number of copies acquired and causing the cancellation of subscriptions, as well as bringing about the reduction in the volume of publications exchange with research libraries in abroad. All in all, the collections development activities were seriously restricted by the scarcity of the acquisitions budget. Due to the completion of new university buildings and moving of university faculties and institutes to new locations, large amounts of older historical publications, periodicals and students’ research papers were handed over to the library. Processing of these materials has been extremely time and labour-consuming, since all the materials need checking against the catalogues and the library’s capacity in cleaning these materials and making necessary repairs is lacking. As several major library renovations fell into this period, excessive amounts of time and energy were spent in making all kinds of renovation-related preparations,<br>reorganisations and tidying up.</p> Kristhel Haak, Kertu Uri Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19089 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Tartu Ülikooli raamatukogu – avatud teaduse lipulaev https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19091 <p><strong>The University of Tartu Library - the Flag-bearer of Open Science</strong><br><br>Activities of the University of Tartu Library in promoting open science were started with the introduction of the possibilities offered by open access (2009). During the recent decade, the library has become a leading open science activities-related institution in Estonia and a good partner for international organisations and projects. The Library has created a matrix management-based trans-departmental Open Science Work Group, which cooperates with other units within the university (Grant Office, the Centre for Ethics, ETAIS and HPC) and without (Ministry of Education and Research, Estonian Research Council,<br>other universities).<br>UT Library is a member of a number of international organisations engaged in open science activities, such as DataCite, RDA and COAR; the library is the OpenAIRE Estonian National Open Access Desk (NOAD). The library participates in many international projects (OpenAIRE, EOSC-Nordic, Enlight Rise). The main open science-related activities involve different ways of supporting the UT researchers. The library offers repositories for publishing research data and different publications, an open access publication platform, and possibilities for creating subject databases and using text analysis tools.<br>Another important area of activities is the teaching of junior researchers and doctoral students. For this purpose, several e-courses on data management were created at the library. The most exhausting course „Research data management and publication” was developed in cooperation with the team of the data management platform PlutoF. This course was awarded the e-course quality label in 2020.</p> <p>Teaching of researchers is also the objective of international seminars held at the library once or twice a<br>year, inviting best specialists in their field from different areas.<br>Open science is advertised and marketed via a number of different channels – the UT Library web page, and the DataCite Estonia Consortium’s web page for data centres, researchers and partner universities. The Estonian Open Science policy is still under development, but it would be good if its main information channel were the web page and logo of Open Science. Ideally, it could be the brand for all Estonian open science activities, known and used by all.</p> Tiiu Tarkpea, Liisi Lembinen Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19091 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Raamatukogu teadlaste teenistuses https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19092 <p><strong>From the Library to Science and Researchers<br></strong><em>Development and Staff Members of the Department of Subject Librarians</em></p> <p>This is an overview of the work of the Department of Subject Librarians at the UT Library and their cooperation with the university in supporting teaching and research.<br>Among the main tasks of the Department of Subject Librarians have for years been databases-related advisory activities, the selection of packages of databases and digital journals for subscription and the organisation of test periods for the packages. Tasks related to university teaching include the mediation of information about ordering publications, organisation of the deposition of publications to university subunits and the lending of materials to the university teaching staff, and the preparation of reserved course materials packs. Teaching of information literacy to university and gymnasium students is an important area of work. Since 2014, the department has been developing open science-related services, focussing on teaching research data management and consulting about data management plans.<br>Another important field of activities includes user training and the raising of information knowledge awareness. Staff members developed an e-course for teaching information literacy for students. In cooperation with university institutes, the teaching of information literacy has been integrated into several curricula.</p> <p>Staff members of the department also participate in the creation of the Estonian Subject Thesaurus.</p> Lilian Neerut, Vilve Seiler, Tiiu Tarkpea Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19092 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 E-varamu projekti kaudu jõuavad mäluasutuste kogud Eesti teaduskaardile https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19125 Liisi Lembinen Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19125 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 TÜ raamatukogu digiteerimistegevus https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19093 <p><strong>Digitisation Activities at the University of Tartu Library</strong><br><br>University of Tartu Library, being the oldest and largest research library in Estonia, has paid much attention to the digitisation of its unique collections of diverse materials, starting with rare manuscripts of cultural and scientific historical value, paintings, works of graphic art, photos, maps and historical objects up to dissertations, periodicals and monographs needed for university research and teaching. These collections are unique not only in Estonia but in the wider international context as well. Digitisation is one of the best and in many cases the only method for guaranteeing that the cultural and<br>scientific heritage will as a whole be preserved in the most suitable format and be accessible to as many<br>target groups as possible. Therefore, the library has prioritised the digitisation of its most used and also<br>most at risk collections. This allows to keep critically damaged valuable materials off circulation and helps<br>to ensure their preservation. This article tells about different materials, which have been digitised and made digitally accessible at the UT Library, and about Estonian and international projects where the library has participated.</p> Piret Zettur Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19093 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Mingem üles mägedele https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19094 <p><strong>Let’s go up the mountains<br></strong><em>Merger of Tartu and Tallinn ESTER and implementing of Sierra software</em><br><br>Due to the joint efforts of the member and partner libraries of the ELNET Consortium, the e-catalogues ESTER Tallinn and ESTER Tartu were brought together in 2014. The common web catalogue was fitted with a new design and the information system applied the new software Sierra.</p> Anneli Sepp Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19094 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Ülikooli raamatukoguvõrk aastatel 2010–2021 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19095 <p><strong>University of Tartu Library Network 2010–2021</strong><br><br>University of Tartu Library Network, bringing together the University of Tartu Library and the subject libraries which function as separate units at the university institutes was established in 1999. By the beginning of 2011, the library e-catalogue included the collections of 42 subject libraries. The Library of the Narva College moved to its new location in the recently opened new college building in 2012. The Library is located on the highest floor of the building, enjoying an incredible view on the<br>border river and the cities on both riverbanks. Starting from 2013, the staff members of subject libraries were engaged in a new task of entering student research papers into the UT repository DSpace. In 2020, the subject libraries joined the pilot project where books borrowed from any of the university library network libraries can also be returned to any of the network libraries, not necessarily to the library they were borrowed from. This „inter-library returns” project proved to be so popular that it grew into a<br>regular service to library users. The new university building Delta, housing both the School of Economics and Business Administration and the Institutes of Computer Science and Mathematics and Statistics was opened in 2020. Here, two<br>subject libraries share one and the same library area. The Economics Library and the Mathematics and Computer Science Library, both having their own collections, were located in one and the same library hall, functioning at the same time as separate subject libraries and a unified library. By 2021, the UT Library Network included 29 subject libraries. The recent years have been quite hard for subject libraries’ staff due to COVID-19. However, the challenges have been met and library services have<br>been available for the users. In 2010–2021, staff members of subject libraries also helped the staff of the<br>main library in cleaning books and in the project of pop-up libraries during the main library renovation<br>period, and they also participated in trainings, seminars and study visits.</p> Lilia Külv Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19095 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Ilmar Vene 70 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19113 Marianne Marlene Tiik, Sulo Lembinen Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19113 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Kadri Tammur 70 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19114 Aili Bernotas Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19114 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Avo Kartul 70 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19115 Svea Pärsimägi Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19115 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Lilia Külv 70 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19116 Kaja Kruus Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19116 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Külli Moont 60 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19117 Anneli Sepp Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19117 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Kertu Uri 60 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19118 Kristhel Haak Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19118 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Marju Butlers 60 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19119 Olga Einasto Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19119 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Tiina Tensing 60 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19120 Tiia Nurmsalu Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19120 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Piret Zettur 50 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19121 Anneli Sepp Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19121 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Kaspar Kolk 50 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19122 Ave Teesalu Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19122 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 In memoriam https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19123 Anneli Sepp Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19123 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Raamatukogu arvudes 2010–2021 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19112 Anneli Sepp Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19112 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Tartu Ülikooli raamatukogu ja töötajate publikatsioonid https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19111 <ul> <li>Raamatuid 2010–2021</li> <li>Kalendrid 2010–2021</li> <li>Näituste materjale 2010–2021</li> <li>Töötajate artikleid, tõlkeid, kirjatöid 2020–2021</li> <li>Töötajate ettekanded 2020–2021</li> <li>TÜ raamatukogu korraldatud üritusi</li> </ul> Anneli Sepp Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19111 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Karl Morgensterni aasta 2020 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19103 <p><strong>The Year of Karl Morgenstern 2020</strong><br><br>The year 2020 was in the library called the Year of Morgenstern, as the 250th anniversary of the first library director, professor Karl Morgenstern (1770–1852), was celebrated by a number of events and activities. This was a continuation of a tradition – events and exhibitions were held and publications were issued 50 years ago, in 1970, and 25 years ago, in 1995. As Morgenstern was also the creator and first director of the university art museum, the anniversary events were held in close cooperation with the UT Museum as well as the Department of Classical Studies. The central celebratory event held at the library was the exhibition „The Classic of Tartu. Karl Morgenstern 250”. The main event of the Year of Morgenstern was the joint conference of the library and the museum on 3 December, „Morgenstern and his Time”. To mark the event, a collection of materials in Estonian and<br>English, Qui vult, potest. Karl Morgenstern 250, was published (edited by Jaanika Anderson).</p> Moonika Teemus Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19103 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Tartu Ülikooli raamatukogu seinakalendrid 2002–2022 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19102 <p><strong>Wall Calendars Published by the University of Tartu Library in 2002–2022</strong><br><br>UT Library has since 2002 regularly published wall calendars, which have an important role in introducing to the public the valuable collections of the library. For this reason, we will this year, when the library celebrates its 220th anniversary, discuss the calendars more thoroughly and give an exhausting overview of the themes and the accompanying research of the calendars. The calendars made at the library have also an educational role, helping to introduce and study the treasures held in library collections.</p> Ave Teesalu Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19102 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Näituste taastulemisest https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19104 <p><strong>Return of Exhibitions</strong><br><br>After the end of the long-running renovations, the library resumed its normal daily routine, a natural part of which is the creation of exhibitions. Exhibitions have been shown at the library already since the 1920s. It is known that even at the time of the Imperial University, when the library did not yet organise exhibitions, some materials were specially lent for exhibiting at other locations. Our collections contain plenty of various materials worth displaying – in addition to books, also small prints, manuscripts, photos, maps, works of art – which would help to explain the meaning and background of different people and events to library visitors.</p> Marianne Marlene Tiik Copyright (c) 2023 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19104 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Näitusi 2010–2021 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19105 Marianne Marlene Tiik Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19105 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Kui tõrvatungalt tuleleek sind rabab https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/DOI <p><strong>Jaan Tooming 75</strong><br><br>Stage director and actor Jaan Tooming was the initiator and figurehead of the Estonian theatre innovation which started in the end of the 1960s. Theatre had an exceptionally important role in society during the Soviet occupation, when the freedom of speech was severely restricted, because the language of theatre was difficult to censor. His rich in symbols productions with philosophical, but at the same time affectionate and warm-hearted messages enjoyed exceptional success and were talked about long after their run had ended. The exhibition devoted to Tooming’s 75th birthday offered diverse insights into his creative life, showing programmes, posters, published criticism and reviews of <span dir="ltr" style="left: 9.09%; top: 26.34%; font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*10.50px); font-family: sans-serif; transform: scaleX(1.00719);" role="presentation">performances and </span><span dir="ltr" style="left: 9.09%; top: 28.12%; font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*10.50px); font-family: sans-serif; transform: scaleX(1.00706);" role="presentation">productions, papers by theatre historians and overviews of theatre history.</span></p> Marianne Marlene Tiik Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/DOI Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Tartu ülikooli raamatukogu kunagise bibliotekaari Emil Andersi mälestused https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19107 <p><strong>Memoirs of the Former Librarian of the University of Tartu Library Emil Anders</strong><br><br>The first volume in the series of memoirs published by the Tartu City Museum introduces the memoirs of the former librarian of the UT Library Emil Anders. Anders was born in 1806 in the family of the inspector of Tartu County schools. By his father’s wish, he studied law at the University of Tartu and after graduation, he worked at the UT Library from 1826 to 1871. He wrote his memoirs as an old man and because of his death in 1887, it remained unfinished. Anders was characterised by his deep interest in culture and his wide circle of friends, including F. R. Faehlmann, Carl von Liphardt and other well-known people of Tartu.</p> Malle Ermel Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19107 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 UTLIB teater hoiab raamatukogu teatritraditsiooni elus https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19108 <p><strong>UTLIB Theatre keeps alive the theatre tradition at the library</strong><br><br>UT Library has a long-standing tradition of staging plays, started already in 1995. The UTLIB Theatre assembles for only one performance once a year. The Theatre has staged tragedies, comedies, crime and suspense plays, farces, less-known Estonian plays and well-known world classics. Plays are selected on the principle that as many as possible colleagues could take part in them. Spice is added to the texts with hints on topical issues related with everyday politics and library life. During these years, more than 100 colleagues from all library departments have acted in the UTLIB Theatre productions.</p> Anneli Sepp Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19108 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Prima Vista ellujäämise kunst https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19109 <p><strong>Prima Vista’s Art of Survival</strong><br><br>Literature festival Prima Vista is one of the oldest continuously held cultural events in Tartu. Although Tartu is Prima Vista’s home, we have always wanted to be the festival for the whole Estonia and several events take place in other cities. Guests of Prima Vista have, from the very first festival, come from many countries. Umberto Eco’s visit in 2009 has so far been the undisputable culmination of the festival history regarding both the interest of the audience and the attention of the media. Other authors of great renown have visited the festival, such as Sten Nadolny (2005), Wolf Biermann (2012, Klaus-Peter Wolf (2014) from Germany, the influential British-American theoretician of pop culture Simon Reynolds (2012) and the American classic of cyberpunk Bruce Sterling (2013), the Finnish-Swede Kjell Westö (2015), Etkar Kerett (2021) from Israel and many others. The festival has welcomed numerous top writers from Latvia, Finland and Hungary, and guests from France, Spain, Japan and India. The Russian-language programme has had a special meaning for Prima Vista. Our mission has been to invite and introduce to the Russian-language public the supporters of democracy and writers who are dissidents in the eyes of the Russian governing regime, many of whom have to live in exile. In 2024, when Tartu will be the cultural capital of Europe, we will present a special programme The Better and Worse Futures and we hope that the Prima Vista of that year will be a greater and more international<br>event than ever before.</p> Berk Vaher Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19109 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Ülikooliraamatukogu e-teenuse kvaliteet ja „töötav kasutaja“ : kontseptuaalne mudel https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19096 <p><strong>Academic Library E-service Quality and „Working User” : Conceptual Model</strong><br><em>Summary of the Doctoral Dissertation</em><br><br>The doctoral dissertation proposes a conceptual model of the modern university library e-service and analyses the effect of user participation on the process and outcome of e-service. The author applied both qualitative and quantitative methods; empirical material was gathered at the University of Tartu Library. The dissertation is based on four interrelated studies which focus on the library service quality and the problems of library communication and its transformation. The thesis points out that traditionally, the library’s communication with its users was based on power relations, which found expression in disciplining both the knowledge and the users, and in expertise and taxonomy. These power relations exist<br>even today, but they are changing due to the effect of information society – this transformation is in this dissertation called the communicative turn. Relocation of the services into the web environment increases the share of self-service and the role of the user. This dissertation is based on a theoretical supposition that in conceptualising the quality of the university library e-service it is essential to take into account user participation and to understand the effect it can have on the result of the service. The thesis introduces the notion of „working user” into the librarianship. The working user, who with certain intensity contributes their cognitive and emotional potential to the successful result of e-service, is a new actor in the university librarianship. The author explains that libraries have successfully passed the informational and digital turns, but the communicative turn is still under progress – although library users are actively involved in self-service processes, libraries are still not yet ready to abandon their rigid taxonomic systems and to delegate the control over the system to the users by offering them relevant e-services. The dissertation points out that, on the one hand, it guarantees the quality of the service, but on the other hand, it can be seen as the implicit attempt of the library system to ensure its power over its users and over the knowledge.</p> Olga Einasto Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19096 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Pilk ajalehemeediumi elukäigule esikülgede kaudu https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19097 <p><strong>History of Estonian Newspapers as Seen on the Front Pages</strong><br><br>This article is based on the materials of the exhibition „Life on the Front Page”, shown at the UT Library from 12 October 2021 to 13 February 2022. The exhibition was put together of 231 front pages of newspapers published in Estonia, Russia, the USA, Sweden and Australia in 1821–2020. The article examines<br>how the front page changed through time and analyses the emergence and development of newspapers as a media in Estonia. Changes in the front page are observed chronologically, starting from the page design and noting its components – texts, different types of advertisements and images. Ultimately, we can see a spiral revealing in the changes in the front page (and in the newspaper as a whole). During<br>the two centuries, the front page of Estonian newspapers has evolved in a winding circle. At the beginning, its design looked like a page of a book, showing only text; it evolved into a newspaper-specific arena for news, displaying both texts and images; it regressed for a while during the Soviet occupation; it continued its arrested development in the 1990s and it is by now incorporating the visual features of a magazine, an advertisement and a poster.</p> Roosmarii Kurvits Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19097 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Teadusprojektid raamatukogus 2010–2021 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19101 <p><strong>Research Projects at the University of Tartu Library in 2010–2021</strong></p> <p>The statutory objectives of the library include the scientific research of the university history, book history, cultural and science history, librarianship and information sciences, and the publication of research results. In 2006, the library established the Research Centre. Its staff has through the years been international and several major projects have been carried out. Librarians from the Department of Manuscripts and Rare Books have also participated in research projects dealing with book history. A separate grant-financed research group of science history and the history of ideas has been working<br>since 2008. This article gives information about research carried out in 2010–2021.</p> Vahur Aabrams, Pärtel Piirimäe, Janika Päll, Meelis Friedenthal, Kaspar Kolk, Kaarina Rein Copyright (c) 0 https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/tyrtar/article/view/19101 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000