Sanctorum Communionem


  • Toomas Paul


Sanctorum Communionem. By Toomas Paul

The paper deals with some problems ofinterpretation and trans lation of the Apostle’s Greed, especially with the Catholic and Lutheran understanding of the words ‘the Communion of Saints.’ The Apostle’s Creed was originally a baptismal confession, explai ned to the catechumens at the last stage of their preparation and professed by them at baptism. This baptismal creed assumed dif ferent forms in different congregations. Among these creeds the Roman formula gradually gained general acceptance in the West for its intrinsic excellence, and on account of the commanding position of the Church of Rome. The Roman creed was gradually enlarged by several clauses from older or contemporaneous forms, viz, the predicate ‘catholic’ or ‘general,’ in the article on the Church. The last addition to the Creed was the article ‘communionem sanctorum’. It appears for the first time at the end of the 5th cen tury. It was then understood as the communion with the martyrs and other saints in heaven. The term has two closely linked mea nings: communion ‘in holy things’ (sancta) and ‘among holy persons’ (sancti). The faithful (sancti) are fed by Christ’s holy body and blood (sancta) to grow in the communion of the Holy Spirit (koinonia). According to the teaching of the Catholic Church we do not cherish the memory of those in heaven merely by the title of example; we seek, rather, that by this devotion to the exercise of fraternal charity the union of the whole Church in the Spirit may be strengthened.



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How to Cite

Paul, Toomas. 2001. “Sanctorum Communionem”. Usuteaduslik Ajakiri 48 (1):38-59.



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