Haiglate ja hoolekandeasutuste hingehoidliku töö uutest väljakutsetest COVID-19 pandeemia raames
spiritual care, pastoral care, COVID-19, pandemics, health care and social care institutionsAbstract
COVID-19 pandemics created anxiety-loaded environments both for inflicted patients and for the staff of healthcare institutions. Hospitals were facing a crisis of unique severity and spreading capabilities. Spiritual care professionals — chaplains, pastoral counselors and others — were surveyed to better understand the new aspects, the lost elements and creative solutions to the unseen challenges in their work. At the summerdays of Estonian pastoral counselors on August, 27 — 28 2021 the spiritual care providers were reflecting on their own experiences comparing those to international chaplaincy research results in USA, Europe and Australia.
How to Cite
Linnuste, Indrek, and Age Kristel Kartau. 2022. “Haiglate Ja Hoolekandeasutuste Hingehoidliku töö Uutest väljakutsetest COVID-19 Pandeemia Raames”. Usuteaduslik Ajakiri 82 (2):57-70. https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/UA/article/view/23160.
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