Kristliku kiriku ja (voorus)eetika panusest meditsiini ja tervisedenduse arengus


  • Meego Remmel


COVID-19, virtue ethics, church and medicine, health promotion ethics, Estonian Council of Churches


The Contribution of Christian Church and (Virtue) Ethics to the Development of Medicine and Health Promotion

COVID-19 crisis has challenged Estonian churches both in practical issues as well as in ethical reflection into a dialogue with nowadays medicine and health promotion. Learning from biblical background, historical experience of the church, and current discussions on Christian ethics, the author shows how churches in Estonia could particularly via ecumenical cooperation benefit more and relate better to medical development and future of health promotion by Christian virtue ethics approach.


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How to Cite

Remmel, Meego. 2020. “Kristliku Kiriku Ja (voorus)eetika Panusest Meditsiini Ja Tervisedenduse Arengus”. Usuteaduslik Ajakiri 78 (2):18-40.



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