Hacı Bektâş-ı Velî tähendus Buca alevi kogukonna silmade läbi
Turkey, Kurdish Alevis, Hacı Bektâş-ı Velî, cult of saintsAbstract
Bektâş Velî through the Eyes of the Buca Alevi Community
The meaning and importance of the 13th-century saint Hacı Bektâş-ı Velî were researched among the Alevis of Kurdish background in Hacıbektaş (Aug 2018) and Alevi Culture Association’s cemevi in Buca, a district of Izmir (March 2019). Perceptions and beliefs about his person, teaching and mausoleum were collected during participant observations of cem and sohbet gatherings. 17 interviews were conducted and analyzed. Hacı Bektâş-ı Velî is considered as Saint of saints (serçeşme), perfect man (insân-ı kâmil), descendant and embodiment of Ali bin Ebû Tâlib. As such, his proverbs, teaching of 4 gates and 40 stations and his Velâyetnâme are of great importance to be followed on the Alevi „path“.
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