Neuplatonische Mystik und Magie als Modernisierung des traditionellen Paganismus im Imperium Romanum


  • David Hernández de la Fuente


Neoplatonism, theurgy, pagan religion, graeco-roman religion, Roman Empire


The aim of this paper is to examine the philosophical update of Late Antique Graeco-Roman Religion in the attitudes, theories and proposals of Neoplatonic thinkers such as Plotinus, Porphyry, Iamblichus and Proclus. In the framework of the Late Roman state and society two main aspects of this Neoplatonic redefinition of „paganism“ are studied here: mysticism and magic, through the religious reading of the Platonic „ascent to the Good“ and the practice of theurgy. Moreover, the emphasis of some Neoplatonists such as Porphyry upon the mantic tradition is also analysed, with special regard to the oracular poetry. To sum up, this contribution shows in brief how Neoplatonism represents a renewal of Late Antique Roman Religion upon the basis of tradition – both religious and philosophical – but also as a response and reaction to the new Christian ideas and milieu.


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How to Cite

de la Fuente, David Hernández. 2019. “Neuplatonische Mystik Und Magie Als Modernisierung Des Traditionellen Paganismus Im Imperium Romanum”. Usuteaduslik Ajakiri 74 (1):28-46.



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