Pauline Anthropology: On the Inner Human Being and the Human “I”


  • Randar Tasmuth


Pauline Anthropology: On the Inner Human Being and the Human “I”
Paul introduced his novel expression ὁ ἔξω ἄνθρωπος as a metaphor for the physical body, identified our “outer person” with a tent-like house and created the combination of the two phrases ὁ ἔσω ἄνθρωπος and ὁ ἔξω ἄνθρωπος. “The man within” is inherently connected with the mind, the process of moral decision-making, and it represents this rational aspect of the “I” which is in harmony with the law of God but does not possess the power to overcome sin. The human “I” is split, simultaneously belonging to the old epoch of sin and death and to the new epoch of life and spirit, which places “I” in the midst of an eschatological tension. There is a remarkable similarity of patterns between 2Cor 4:1–5:16(17) and Rom 7:7–25 and 12:1–2.


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How to Cite

Tasmuth, Randar. 2014. “Pauline Anthropology: On the Inner Human Being and the Human ‘I’”. Usuteaduslik Ajakiri 67 (2):45-65.



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