Algkristlik ülendamispärimus kui ajaloojutustus ja võimu metafoor


  • Ergo Naab


The Christian Elevation Tradition as Historical Narrative and Metaphor of Power
The article addresses to the elevation motive of Christ from the viewpoint of cultural semiotics. The elevation motive is one of the most prominent constructions in the New Testament writings. It is part of the kerygma (proclamation) and on this notion are based all other schemes and dogmas of Christian thought. The elevation motive is presented in the royal Psalm 110:1 that is a quite often cited inauguration-oracle in the New Testament (“Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool”). This sort of the Messianic hope of Davidic kingship in the Second Temple Hebrew tradition had formed the core of the newborn Christology and constituted the basis to the evangelium as a historical narrative. The main hypothesis of the article states that the ideology of ruler cult had an influence on the Christian language and argumentation. This hypothesis will be affirmed from the perspective of cognitive metaphor theory, which the rootconcept is the presumption that a human being always constructs his picture of the world from body to mind. The somatic concept in the elevation motive is based on the universal phenomenon of space perception that is expressed by directional metaphors. From this point ofview the Christ elevation motive is also observable as a metaphor of power.



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How to Cite

Naab, Ergo. 2015. “Algkristlik ülendamispärimus Kui Ajaloojutustus Ja Võimu Metafoor”. Usuteaduslik Ajakiri 68 (1):19-34.



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