Hiina serviis ja roosa elevant: kuninga paljast taguotsast surmalähikogemusteni


  • Roland Karo
  • Annabel Parts




Near-Death Experiences, consciousness, epistemological presumptions, brain, continuity and discontinuity


A Rare China Set and the Pink Elephant: from the King’s Naked Butt to Near-Death Experiences

In this paper, we address two interdependent epistemological presumptions in the study of Near-Death Experiences (NDEs), one of which is almost entirely hidden but has an enormous impact on how to interpret the existing empirical evidence. These are: 1) that since consciousness is a brain function, NDEs have to be explained in terms of brain activity; 2) that except for one or another characteristic deviation the rest of the brain works more or less normally during the NDEs. We show that both presumptions run directly against the existing empirical evidence and that neither of them is necessary. We then develop a model that views NDEs on two axes, based on the continuity and discontinuity elements of the reported cases with respect to normal waking consciousness. We arrive at the conclusion that consciousness is better understood as mediated rather than generated by the brain which in turn leads us to propose that traditional substance dualism may deserve more credit than previously believed. The last, highly exploratory section of the paper attempts a „positive program“ on how to interpret the arguments proposed on a broader scale.



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How to Cite

Karo, Roland, and Annabel Parts. 2024. “Hiina Serviis Ja Roosa Elevant: Kuninga Paljast Taguotsast surmalähikogemusteni”. Usuteaduslik Ajakiri 87 (3):40-73. https://doi.org/10.23675/ua.v87i3.24683.



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