Nikaia usutunnistuse 1700. aastapäevaks


  • Tarmo Toom



the Council of Nicaea, creeds, theology of the Son of God, homoousion


For the 1700th Anniversary of the Nicene Creed
This article focuses on the Nicene Creed of AD 325, which is the basis for the „Nicene“ Creed of AD 381 that is used for baptism and in liturgy. Despite being such a momentous phenomenon, the story of the birth of the Nicene Creed is shrouded in mystery. Historians have at their disposal only very few fragmentary, polemical and contradictory accounts. Hence the difficulty of saying what exactly happened at Nicaea. This article presents the little evidence there is, discusses some possible historical scenarios and deconstructs some later myths about the birth of the first ecumenical creed. It hopes to demonstrate the particularity of the creed of 325 and assign it a proper place in the history of creeds.


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How to Cite

Toom, Tarmo. 2025. “Nikaia Usutunnistuse 1700. Aastapäevaks”. Usuteaduslik Ajakiri 87 (3):117-36.



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