Health of Estonian population by objective and subjective statistics
population health, population census, statistics, EstoniaAbstract
Many studies concerning the health problems of the population have been conducted in Estonia during the last decades. In the population census of 2011, several questions about health conditions were also asked. Summarizing the subjective and objective data, it turns out that the general health situation of the Estonian population is steadily improving. During the last decade, the life expectancy of Estonian men and women has increased by approximately five years. Statistical data also show that education is strongly correlated with the health situation: people with a higher level of education have, in general, fewer health problems. The people living in rural areas have somewhat more health-caused limitations in their everyday life – the reason for this situation seems to be deficiencies in communication and conveniences.
The general health situation of a population is a very important indicator. It should be taken into account when planning social policy but also in calculating the resources of workforce in the country or estimating the costs needed for retirement allowances. The number of medical personnel also depends on the estimated health of the population, as this knowledge also works as an input for education policy.