Bordetella avium cross-reacts with B. bronchiseptica by ELISA but natural B. avium infection in rats is unlikely
The specificity of a Bordetella bronchiseptica antibody ELISA for the monitoring of laboratory rodents was re-evaluated by studying the serological relationship of the B. bronchiseptica antigen and antigens of B. avium, B. hinzii, B. holmesii and an unclassified Bordetella sp. Immunization of rats with B. avium strains induced antibodies to the B. bronchiseptica antigen. Bordetella antibody free rats that were experimentally infected with a B. avium strain seroconverted to the bacterium but not to B. bronchiseptica and were B. avium culture positive at one week postinfection but not at 6 weeks. Pathogen free rats exposed to the B. avium infected rats remained free from any cultural or serological evidence of B. avium infection. Lung lesions were not seen in experimentally infected and exposed rats. Natural B. avium infection in rats therefore seems unlikely.