Haematologic and Clinical Chemical values in 3 and 6 months old Göttingen minipigs
Blood samples were collected from sixty healthy Göttingen minipigs. fifteen males and fifteen females at the age of three months and fifteen males and fifteen females at the age of six months. The samples were taken at the breeder’s facilities. The samples were analysed for nineteen haematological and twenty~six clinical chemical parameters. Means, standard deviations and lowest and highest values are presented. In general the parameters were comparable with those reponed for other breeds of miniature and domestic swine. The white blood cell count, the percentages of neutrophils and monocytes and serum globulin levels were lower in these microbiologically defined minipigs compared with conventionally reared
pigs and minipigs. Three litter mates had a complex of abnormally high serum creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, uspartate aminotransterase and alanine aminotmnsferase levels.