Welfare evaluation of genetically modified mice - An inventory study of reports to the Danish Animal Experiments Inspectorate


  • Rikke Thon M&B A/S
  • Jesper Lassen Research Department of Human Nutrition, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University
  • Axel Kornerup Hansen Division of Laboratory Animal Science and Welfare, Department of Pharmacology and Pathobiology. Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University
  • Inge Marie Jegstrup Biomedical Laboratory, University of Southern Denmark
  • Merel Ritskes-Hoitinga Biomedical Laboratory, University of Southcm Denmark




The present paper is an inventory study of the reports from 1998 regarding genetically modified animals to The Animal Experiments Inspectorate in Denmark.
The results focus on three areas: percentage of strains experiencing discomfort, percentage of increased mortality, disease incidence and susceptibility to disease. and percentage for which special care was provided. 36% of the strains were
reported as experiencing discomfort with 21% experiencing minor discomfort and 15% severe discomfort. In addition 30 % of the strains were reported to suffer increases in mortality, disease incidence and susceptibility to disease. The most
frequently mentioned conditions being increased mortality. decreased fertility and diabetes. Special care with regard to animal welfare was provided in 34% 0f the cases. Euthanasia as a humane endpoint, protection against infection and
heterozygous breeding were the most frequently mentioned actions.
Systematic information about the welfare of genetically modified animals is limited and the need for this through proper characterization is discussed.
The Danish form from the Animal Experiments Inspectorate is discussed and compared to other welfare evaluation forms/protocols and improvements are suggested.


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How to Cite

Thon, R., Lassen, J., Hansen, A. K., Jegstrup, I. M., & Ritskes-Hoitinga, M. (2002). Welfare evaluation of genetically modified mice - An inventory study of reports to the Danish Animal Experiments Inspectorate. Scandinavian Journal of Laboratory Animal Science, 29(1). https://doi.org/10.23675/sjlas.v29i1.865


