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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in doc, .docx, or .rtf file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is 1,5-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author Guidelines


Manuscript Submission Guidelines



Submitted manuscripts should be in .doc, .docx, or .rtf file format. If your manuscript contains any special characters or fonts, please make sure you also submit a printed version or a PDF file of your contribution to ensure the proper typesetting of these characters.

Studia Vernacula employs a double-blind peer review process. To facilitate this, authors are requested to ensure that the article is submitted in two versions: a full version and an anonymized version. In the latter, the names and institutional affiliations of authors should appear only in a detachable cover letter. Throughout the paper itself, the name(s) of the author(s) should be replaced by ‘author’ (e.g. in references to the author’s own work).

Comments and evaluations made by reviewers will be communicated to the authors so that their work can be improved. Papers that do not meet our standards will be rejected.

Authors from outside of Estonia are expected to contact editorial team to mutually agree on conditions. Both previously published and unpublished articles relevant to the field of crafts studies may be considered for publication. Journal may be able to provide translation into Estonian on the basis of individual agreements.

The editors will be grateful if the following conventions are observed in all submissions for publication:

12-point font (Times New Roman) is used throughout the text
The line spacing is 1.5 throughout the text
The beginning of every new paragraph is indented

  • The text is paginated
  • Please keep tables, figures, illustrations and text as separate files. Photographs and scanned images should have a minimum of 1100 x 1700 pixels (equals A6 image in print) resolution, but preferably 2400 x 1700 pixels. In the text file, please indicate where each graphic should appear by placing a description (e.g. Photo 1, visualelement1.tif, caption, author) in the appropriate location. The exact positioning of these elements cannot be determined until after the manuscript has been typeset. Each figure, photo and table should be clearly labelled with a number and caption. Graphs, line drawings, and the like should be labelled as “Figures”. Photographs should be labelled as “Photos”. The captions are to be placed directly below images and take the following form: Photo 1. Description. Author.
  • Acknowledgements and details on sources of funding should be placed at the end of the article, before the References.



Studia Vernacula welcomes the submission of three types of manuscripts.

Each paper should include a self-contained abstract of up to 150 words, summarizing the article’s main points plus 5–7 keywords. Please also add a short introduction of each of the authors (max 500 characters including spaces) with a photo.

The first category – Research Article – is the preferred type of submission. Studia Vernacula seeks to publish manuscripts based on original research. Specific relevance to the field of crafts studies is expected. Manuscripts should be about 5–10 pages in length, and should not exceed 22 pages (40,000 characters including spaces).

The second category is Practitioner’s Corner (2–8 pages/3500–14,500 characters including spaces). These manuscripts may be either broadly-scoped overviews of some particular field for non-specialists, or articles where practitioners share and pass on their experience-based knowledge. These papers are primarily aimed for practitioners, rather than academics.

Manuscripts can also be submitted as Notes, Reviews and Current Activities. This section includes overviews and commentary on recent events, publications, exhibitions and student work. Normally, these contributions should be 2–5 pages (3500–9000 characters including spaces) in length. Studia Vernacula will publish timely and concise overviews and reviews of recent work relevant to the discipline of crafts studies. We encourage reviews that give a summary of the content and purpose of the work or event, and a discussion of its meaning for current scholarship. It is not required to provide keywords.


Studia Vernacula uses an in-text author-date citation style, followed by list of sources and references given as a separate bibliography at the end of the article. Notes should be inserted as footnotes and numbered consecutively.

Please ensure that all works cited in the text are also listed in the reference section and vice versa (the reference section should include only those works that were cited in the text). The references inside the text should be in parentheses following this format: surname(s) of author(s); year of publication; colon; the relevant page number(s) (in arabic numerals). E.g.:

One author: (Viires 1960: 49)

Two authors: (Marcus, Cushman 1982)

Three or more authors: (Leete et al. 2008: 18–19, 22–27) – but please do list all authors in the reference entry.

Several works by one author: (Jaanson 1987a; Jaanson 1987b)

Works already titled and under contract with a publisher: (Leete forthcoming). Citing forthcoming works requires the permission of the author(s) of these works.

In the bibliography, different types of sources may be grouped separately if necessary (e.g., printed materials (including Internet sources); unpublished materials; fieldwork materials; archive materials).

If the work cited is in Cyrillic, please give author’s name in in-text references and in the References section in Latin script. You can add a reference entry in Cyrillic after the Latinized version. See also examples below.


Sample reference entries

Book (authored work):

Risatti, Howard 2007. A Theory of Craft. Function and Aesthetic Expression. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.

Klevtsov, Vladimir 1996 = Клевцов, Владимир. Иванович Плетение из бересты: 50 полезных изделий. Ленинград: Лениздат.


Book (edited volume):

Viires, Ants (ed.) 2000. Eesti rahvakultuuri leksikon. Tallinn: Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus.


Contribution in an edited volume:

Ingold, Tim 2002. Introduction to Social Life. – Companion Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Ed. by Tim Ingold. London & New York: Routlege, 737–760.


Journal article:

Ingold, Tim 2005. Landscape Lives, but Archeology Turns to Stone. – Norwegian Archeological Review 38 (2): 122–126.



Jakobson, Carl Robert 1878. Omalt maalt. Sakala 16.09., 2.


Internet sources (homepages, databases, e-publications):

Baldasano Recio, José María, Parra Narváez, René, Jiménez-Guerrero, Pedro 2005. Estimate of Energy Consumption and CO2 Emission Associated with the Production, Use and Final Disposal of PVC, Aluminum and Wooden Windows. Barcelona: Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya. (26.08.2014)


The Tale of Eirek the Traveller 2005. Transl. Peter Tunstall. (01.07. 2015)


Thesis/dissertation (unpublished):

Collett, Joan Elizabeth 2003. Empowering the Unempowered: A Narrative Approach to Deconstructing Spirituality with Women Experiencing Abuse. A Master Dissertation. University of South Africa. (04.04.2012)


Proofs (in Estonian) will be sent to contributors for correction. Their prompt return with corrections will be appreciated. Note that corrections made during the proof stage should be kept to an absolute minimum and should only include typesetting errors.

Copyright terms and conditions

Please note that by submitting an article for publication you confirm that that you are its author. The editors will assume that an article submitted for their consideration is not being considered for publication elsewhere, either in its submitted form or in a modified version. After 12 months have passed from the date of publication, authors are free to use their articles in subsequent publications, provided that Studia Vernacula is acknowledged in the text as the place of original publication and Studia Vernacula is notified in in advance in writing.

It is the responsibility of the author to obtain permission to reproduce photos, figures, tables, excerpts etc. from other works.


Submissions and queries should be sent to the general e-mail of the journal,


Research Article

Studia Vernacula seeks to publish manuscripts based on original research. Specific relevance to the field of crafts studies is expected. Manuscripts should be about 5–10 pages in length, and should not exceed 22 pages (40,000 characters including spaces).

Practitioner’s Corner

These manuscripts (2–8 pages/3500–14,500 characters including spaces) may be either broadly-scoped overviews of some particular field for non-specialists, or articles where practitioners share and pass on their experience-based knowledge. These papers are primarily aimed for practitioners, rather than academics.

Notes, Reviews and Current Activities

This section includes overviews and commentary on recent events, publications, exhibitions and student work. Normally, these contributions should be 2–5 pages (3500–9000 characters including spaces) in length. Studia Vernacula will publish timely and concise overviews and reviews of recent work relevant to the discipline of crafts studies. We encourage reviews that give a summary of the content and purpose of the work or event, and a discussion of its meaning for current scholarship.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.