Kes on Johannes?

Mõtteid neljanda evangeeliumi nimest


  • Peeter Roosimaa


Who is John? Some Thoughts About the Name of the Fourth Gospel. By Peeter Roosimaa
The name “John” could designate several different persons. It could be, for example, John the Baptist, the father of apostle Peter, or John the Apostle. The interesting question is which John could most likely be associated with the name of the Fourth Gospel? It seems that this text comes from a so called “Johannine school” that was active in Syria at the end of the first century. In addition to its Christian theology, this school incorporated many influences from Judaism and gnosticism. It is also notable that the Gospel of John deals a lot more with John the Baptist than the other Gospels. Therefore, it would seem that the Fourth Gospel may be an attempt to mediate between the Johannine school and the school of John the Baptist (located in the same region). In this case the name of the gospel could have been a means of paying honors to the great prophet by the members of the Johannine school.



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How to Cite

Roosimaa, Peeter. 2001. “Kes on Johannes? : Mõtteid Neljanda Evangeeliumi Nimest”. Usuteaduslik Ajakiri 49 (2):11-29.



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