Porvoo ja Meissen: kaks olulist sammu anglikaani ja luterlike kirikute suhetes


  • Veiko Vihuri


Porvoo and Meissen: Two Important Steps in the Relationship between Lutheran and Anglican Churches. By Veiko Vihuri
The paper is an introduction to the developments connected with two ecumenical documents: “Meissen Common Statement” and “Porvoo Common Statement”. The article is also meant as an introduction to the dialogue between Anglicans and Lutherans. These documents represent a significant advancement towards the visible unity of the two churches, but it is not the end of the process. There are many possibilities still to be used in order to turn these formal documents into practical cooperation.



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How to Cite

Vihuri, Veiko. 2001. “Porvoo Ja Meissen: Kaks Olulist Sammu Anglikaani Ja Luterlike Kirikute Suhetes”. Usuteaduslik Ajakiri 49 (2):30-48. https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/UA/article/view/23016.



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