Kuidas tõlkida kannatust ehk Nutulaulude raamatu tõlkimisest uuemate teaduslike lähenemiste taustal


  • Anu Põldsam


Nutulaulude raamat, piibliteadus, informeeritud tõlge


The last twenty years have witnessed a surge in interest in the biblical book of Lamentations resulting in new interdisciplinary approaches and readings of Lamentations, combining theology, biblical studies, literary studies, sociology, trauma research etc. and offering new perspectives on reading Lm through the lens of anti-theodicy, polyphony, trauma, suffering and hope. The aim of the current article is to clarify if and how these new approaches could be implemented into a new translation of the Lamentations into Estonia. Therefore some new key concepts in studying Lm are introduced – anti-theodicy, polyphony, trauma, language of suffering – , followed by the analysis of the translation of certain problematic expressions (e.g nîdâ, kî ’im) in Lm in the light of these approaches. The article illustrates the need for an informed translation of the bible into Estonian.



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How to Cite

Põldsam, Anu. 2022. “Kuidas Tõlkida Kannatust Ehk Nutulaulude Raamatu Tõlkimisest Uuemate Teaduslike lähenemiste Taustal”. Usuteaduslik Ajakiri 82 (2):94-123. https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/UA/article/view/23162.



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