Elanikkonna tüpoloogia lähtuvalt inimeste suhestumisest usu ja moraali teemadesse


  • Laur Lilleoja




religious identities, latent class analysis, moral understandings


Population Typology Based on Attitudes Towards Religion and Morality
The aim of this study was to map the typical religious and moral worldviews of Estonians. Five distinct types of individuals were identified, which can be grouped into three main categories: devout and spiritual people (Types I and II, 27%), those clearly opposed to religion (Type III, 31%), and those indifferent to religion (Types IV and V, 42%).
The analysis showed that the religious identity of respondents in Types I, II, and III matched well with their value structures, while the patterns were less clear for Types IV and V. This confirms that it is easier to define religious identity with a structured worldview, whereas about 40% of respondents do not fit clearly into any category.
It was found that conservative and religious individuals are generally more satisfied with life, while conservative and non-religious individuals tend to be less satisfied. There is also a strong correlation between religious-moral worldviews and supernatural experiences – devout and especially spiritual individuals are significantly more likely to have such experiences, while the likelihood is almost nonexistent for secular individuals.
Among non-religious respondents, there is a notable portion who can be associated with vicarious religion – they consider faith and the church institutionally important, but do not personally practice any form of faith.


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How to Cite

Lilleoja, Laur. 2024. “Elanikkonna tüpoloogia lähtuvalt Inimeste Suhestumisest Usu Ja Moraali Teemadesse”. Usuteaduslik Ajakiri 86 (2):8-30. https://doi.org/10.23675/ua.v86i2.24615.



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