Inglitest ja institutsioonidest
Anne Kull, On Angels and Institutions.
Our individualistic and materialistic worldview does not make it easy to understand ancient texts. Yet, even we can understand the experiences behind otherwise incomprehensible designations, such as demons, angels or gods. Furthermore, these categories may help us to understand what is needed to initiate change in our institutions. I present an example of the possible use for the term “angel” as an inner aspect (or spirituality) of a congregation or any other institution (including educational system).
Bayer, Oswald. 1999. ‘Angels Are Interpreters’. Lutheran Quarterly 3.
Luther, Martin. 1983. Väike Katekismus. Tallinn: Eesti Evangeelse Luterliku Kiriku Konsistoorium.
Quenstedt, Johann Andreas. 1696. Theologia Didactico-Polemica, Sive Systema Theologicum, Editio Tertia. Wittenberg.