Eesti koolinoorte püha mõistest


  • Lea Altnurme


Conceptions of the Sacred among Estonian Adolescents. By Lea Altnurme

Estonian schoolchildren’s conceptions of the sacred were studied on the basis of qualitative content analysis. During 1994 and 1995, 303 secondary school students (aged between 17 and 18) from six teen Estonian urban schools were interviewed in their final year. Estonian school students’ conception of the sacred could be divided into three groups: social definition of the sacred, religious definition of the sacred and individual definition of the sacred. 35% of boys and 26% of girls described the sacred as something that was defined by society. It is something traditional, honoured, and respected. Approximately 20 % of boys and 35 % of girls descri bed the sacred as something pure and intact that must not be pro faned. It is unusual and special, it has supernatural powers or orig inates from God. 37 % of boys and 37 % of girls believed that the sacred held a different meaning for each individual, it could be something elated, real, important, lovely, etc. The study reveals that Estonian adolescents largely do not use Christian notions and explanations in describing the sacred. Such a result was also quite expectable due to the recent socialist past and the strong secularism of Estonian society. Nevertheless, the themes of the sacred are important to many young people. 


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