Reading the Lament Psalms of Sickness during the Coronavirus Pandemic
lament psalms, coronavirus pandemic, sicknessKokkuvõte
As model prayers in the Book of Psalms, the individual Lament Psalms of Sickness (LPS) provide a resource for the church to bring the coronavirus pandemic situation to God in prayer. Four Lament Psalms of Sickness (Pss 6, 38, 88, 102) are examined according to the genre characteristics of prayer and the three constituting components of Complaint, Petition, and Assertions of Confidence. Through an analysis of the specifics of the LPS, the relevance of such poetic prayer language for use by the church in the context of COVID-19 is proposed.
Vana Testamendi Lauluraamatu kaebepsalmid haiguste puhul pakuvad kirikule tuge ka koroonapandeemia palves Jumala ette toomiseks. Nelja kaebelaulu (Ps 6, 38, 88, 102) uuritakse vastavalt palve žanrilistele tunnustele ja kolmele koostoimivale komponendile: kaebus, palve ja usalduse kinnitused. Kaebepsalmide eripära analüüsides leitakse, et sellise poeetiline palvekeel on endiselt asjakohane kirikus ka COVID-19 kontekstis.
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