Ὁ γέρων als Quelle des Wissens: Fruhchristliche Monche als religiose Autoritaten


  • Caroline Kreutzer


Monasticism, Apophthegmata Patrum, Antonius/Antony, abbas, terms of respect


The purpose of article is to analyse role and meaning of the keywords ,ὁ γέρων‘ in the Apopthegmata Patrum. The focus of the study lies in the account of Anthony the Great who is commonly seen as the ,father‘ of Christian monasticism. The main topic of the paper is centred on the words ,ὁ γέρων‘ that are related to the Desert Father to show his authority and wisdom. In conclusion, the title, ,ὁ γέρων‘, serves as the representation of the relationship between the omniscient ascetic and his interlocutor who as advice-seekers visit him. The Abbas issues advice on the Christianreligious ,practices‘ and serves as a model for his students and for all of those who visit him in the desert; this acts as the place of the exchange (of experience).


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