Looduse sakramentaalsest tähendusest


  • Helle Liht


creation, instrumental, symbolic, sacramental, free church


About the sacramental nature of creation
The aim of this article is to reflect on the possible ways in which theology has contributed to the current ecological crisis and to offer a departure point for a theological shift in the Estonian free church thinking. Drawing insights from mainly a Baptist theologian Paul S. Fiddes and a Lutheran theologian Paul Tillich, it analyses three approaches towards creation: instrumental, symbolic and sacramental. It will be shown that the instrumental view, developed as a result of Enlightenment thinking, and the symbolic use of creation, asserting the arbitrary split between material and spiritual, represent a deficient theology which denies creation’s Godgiven inherent value and its role in the history of salvation. It proposes that the sacramental view of creation, acknowledging creation as an actual sign of God’s grace, would offer a biblical understanding and help to shape people’s attitudes toward non-human creation. 


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