The adoption of Russian conjunctions in Udmurt


  • Inna Kaysina University of Bremen



language contact, code copying, coordinators, subordinators, language structure, Udmurt, Russian


Conjunctions in Udmurt belong to grammatical function words of secondary origin. Indigenous Udmurt linking devices have developed from other parts of speech e.g. postpositions and particles. Besides, a group of Russian and Tatar conjunctions has been taken over as a result of intensive contact with the two neighbouring languages. This paper will be dealing with the adoption of Russian coordinators and subordinators in Modern Udmurt. Russian linking elements are analysed within the code-copying framework (Johanson 2002) and are considered to be copied function units, accordingly. The role of Russian in the development of coordinate and subordinate structures in Udmurt is discussed to account for the on-going changes in the language structure of the colloquial variety.


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Author Biography

Inna Kaysina, University of Bremen

University of Bremen


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How to Cite

Kaysina, I. (2013). The adoption of Russian conjunctions in Udmurt. Eesti Ja Soome-Ugri Keeleteaduse Ajakiri. Journal of Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics, 4(2), 131–144.