Kakskeelse oskussõnastiku koostamise teoreetilisi vaatenurki ja praktilisi lahendusi


  • Valentina Štšadneva
  • Eve Raeste




The article discusses the principles of the compilation of a professional dictionary (“Russian-Estonian Dictionary of Health Care and Social Work”) for nurses and the application of these principles in practice. The authors consider the problems of differentiation between various branches of medicine and the choice of lexis. In the compilation of a dictionary an approach whereby the author mechanically translates linguistic items into the target language is out of the question. A scientific approach requires the solution of many specific and general linguistic problems. In order to achieve systematicity and adequacy the authors developed sociolinguistic principles and specified their approach to a number of disputed issues in linguistic theory (the assurance of normativity in terminology, systematicity, etc.). Due to spatial limitations the selection of relevant professional vocabulary covering various branches of medicine proved a challenge. The question of quantity and quality of source material required a solution. The objective demanded the consideration of the status of the addressee, the everyday communication of health care and social workers and the diversity of means of expression. The article also examines important lexicographical problems connected to sociolinguistic factors.


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How to Cite

Štšadneva, V., & Raeste, E. (2010). Kakskeelse oskussõnastiku koostamise teoreetilisi vaatenurki ja praktilisi lahendusi. Eesti Ja Soome-Ugri Keeleteaduse Ajakiri. Journal of Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics, 1(1), 81–98. https://doi.org/10.12697/jeful.2010.1.1.05


