Il faut méditerraniser la musique. Anregungen für eine Kunstphilosophie Europas bei Nietzsche.


  • Manuel Mazzucchini Università degli Studi di Verona


Friedrich Nietzsche, Europe, Philosophy of art, Philosophy of culture, Romanticism


The paper highlights selected aspects of Nietzschean aesthetics focusing on the notion of mediterranisierung. The north/south polarity in Nietzsche’s mature writings serves as a compass to navigate a spiritual territory that mirrors the geography of Europe. In a play of parts between classical and romantic, and to a greater extent between Wagner and Bizet, Nietzsche sets to music the conflicts and encounters of these two poles throughout the history of culture. The aim is to emphasise that there can be no Europe for Nietzsche without a proper understanding of his artistic dimension; that is the only way to envisage a European continent safe from the excesses of nihilism. 


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JGB: Jenseits von Gut und Böse

MA: Menschliches, Allzumenschliches

WA: Der Fall Wagner

ZA: Also sprach Zarathustra

Bei Zitaten aus Briefen folgt die in der KSB angegebene Katalognummer.

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How to Cite

Manuel Mazzucchini. (2025). Il faut méditerraniser la musique. Anregungen für eine Kunstphilosophie Europas bei Nietzsche. Studia Philosophica Estonica. Retrieved from


