What Is This Thing Called Peace?


  • Fabio Lampert




propaganda, language, war, meaning, protests, public speech, Ukraine, Russia


This article scrutinizes discourse surrounding the Russia-Ukraine war in Western nations, where, despite widespread support for Ukraine, a contingent advocates for peace by rejecting military aid. This “pacifist” stance gains traction through public demonstrations in European countries and political endorsement. However, by opposing military aid while advocating peace, these messages, while ostensibly altruistic, distort genuine efforts for establishing peace in Ukraine. The article argues that recent developments from the philosophy of language, combined with the realities of Russia’s invasion and main war objectives, provide clarity on this phenomenon, making a case for considering such calls for peace as propagandistic, perverting the meaning of the word.



How to Cite

Lampert, F. (2024). What Is This Thing Called Peace?. Studia Philosophica Estonica, 17, 80–95. https://doi.org/10.12697/spe.2024.17.08