To Cancel or Not to Cancel? – Questioning the Russian Idea


  • George Pattison



Putin, Russia, Dostoevsky, Lukacs, nationalism


Taking its cue from Vladimir Putin’s use of Dostoevsky to support his critical view of Western culture, the article challenges the view that Dostoevsky can be straightforwardly corralled into the Russian President’s nationalistic and imperialistic agenda. Instead, it follows the approach taken by George Lukacs in response to National Socialism’s self-representation as the authentic inheritor of the German cultural tradition, namely, to show that any great cultural work is going to be resistant to the kind of one-dimensional interpretations typical of authoritarian regimes. Particularly, the article focusses on much-debated passages of Dostoevsky’s The Possessed (aka Demons) to show that the writer has a more nuanced view and that his work contains resources to resist today’s ultra-nationalism.



How to Cite

Pattison, G. (2024). To Cancel or Not to Cancel? – Questioning the Russian Idea. Studia Philosophica Estonica, 17, 146–155.