New Estonian records. Mosses. Pezizales (Ascomycetes). Lichens and lichenicolous fungi.
Fifteen species were recorded for the first time in Estonia last year, although the latest addi- tions to Estonian bryoflora were published quite recently (Vellak et al., 2006). All newly recorded species are mosses. Majority of new species were identified from the earlier collected material from the herbariums of the Natural History Museum of Tartu University (TU), Estonian University of Life Sciences (TAA), Estonian Museum of Natu- ral History (TAM) and Tallinn Botanical Garden (TALL).
Altogether 22 new species are reported, 14 of them are lichenized, seven are lichenicolous and one is mainly saprobic fungus. Abbreviations of country regions and frequency classes follow Randlane & Saag (1999). Cited specimens are kept in the lichenological herbaria of University of Tartu (TU) and Uppsala University (UPS).