Religiooni osa poliitilise repressiooni järgse traumaga toimetulekul


  • Tõnu Lehtsaar
  • Heino Noor


Tonu Lehtsaar, Heino Noor, The role of religion in coping with psychotrauma of political repressions.
The article deals with the religious aspect of coping with posttraumatic stress caused by political repressions. A theoretical overview of posttraumatic stress is given. Political repressions as a type of traumatic factor are analyzed. Coping strategies and the role of religion in handling difficult life events are described. Sixty-four (31 female, 33 male) politically repressed people in Estonia were asked about the role of religion in their coping with stress. The results showed that 46% of the respondents considered religion very important, 23% rather important, 26% not very important and 6% absolutely unimportant in regard to their ability to cope. The responses given to the question of how religion had influenced their ability to cope fell into categories related to the image of God, emotional life, interpersonal relationships and problem solving. It appeared that for the relatively religious section of respondents, religion itself served as essential support for coping.



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How to Cite

Lehtsaar, Tõnu, and Heino Noor. 2003. “Religiooni Osa Poliitilise Repressiooni järgse Traumaga Toimetulekul”. Usuteaduslik Ajakiri 51 (1):87-103.



Artiklid / Articles