Mis on religioonipsühholoogia?


  • Tõnu Lehtsaar
  • Tea Ausin


Psychology of religion, psychology and religion, religious experience, religious behavior


What Is Psychology of Religion?
The article gives an overview of the psychology of religion defined as branch of psychology explaining human religiosity and spirituality using psychological methods and theories. The object and methods of psychology of religion are explained. The relationship of psychology of religion with other psychological approaches like psychoanalysis, cognitive psychology, evolutionary psychology, neuropsychology, positive psychology and cultural psychology are overviewed. The overview of two main fields in psychology of religion, studies of relationships between religion and intrapsychic processes and behavior is observed. The current developments on the field of psychology of religion are presented.



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How to Cite

Lehtsaar, Tõnu, and Tea Ausin. 2021. “Mis on religioonipsühholoogia?”. Usuteaduslik Ajakiri 79 (1):32-55. https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/UA/article/view/23542.



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