Asenduskristlusest ja selle uurimisest – metodoloogilistest ja teoreetilistest aspektidest


  • Indrek Peedu


asenduskristlus, vicarious religion, method and theory, conceptual tools, research design


This paper focuses on the ’asenduskristlus’ (a modification of the ’vicarious religion’ concept), a debate that has emerged in the Estonian study of religion recently. The article deals with the methodological and theoretical aspects of the debate, criticising certain presumptions and arguments made by one or another participant and highlighting a number of issues that need to be taken into account to address the methodologically focused questions that have been raised during this debate. These issues are analysed from three distinct perspectives: (1) method and theory in relation to the general research design, (2) the role and use of concepts in the study of religion, and (3) the study of ‘visible’ or ‘hidden’ aspects of religiosity.



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How to Cite

Peedu, Indrek. 2021. “Asenduskristlusest Ja Selle Uurimisest – Metodoloogilistest Ja Teoreetilistest Aspektidest”. Usuteaduslik Ajakiri 80 (2):3-39.



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