Uurija positsioonist religiooniuuringutes


  • Indrek Peedu




Position of the Scholar in the Study of Religion
This article offers a thorough analysis of the issue of scholarly positioning in the study of religion. Positioning here means the issue of the relationship of the scholar and that or those what (s)he is studying. The primary focus of the article is the justifiability of the main conceptualizations (methodological agnosticism, methodological naturalism, neutrality, dialogical positioning) of the position of the scholar, followed by a comparative assessment of their strengths and weaknesses, similarities and differences. It will be shown why none of these conceptualizations offer a properly satisfying solution to the positioning dilemma. Based on that the latter part of the article discusses a couple of options how to cope with such a situation.



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How to Cite

Peedu, Indrek. 2024. “Uurija Positsioonist Religiooniuuringutes”. Usuteaduslik Ajakiri 87 (3):74-116. https://doi.org/10.23675/ua.v87i3.24732.



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