Eestikeelsete õigeusu vaimulike haridus ja suhtumine selle vajalikkusesse


  • Liina Eek
  • Toomas Schvak


Education of Estonian-Speaking Orthodox Clergy and Opinions on Its Importance
This article outlines the development of professional training of the Estonian Orthodox clergy from the middle of the 19th century to the present day. In addition, the authors have compared the opinions on the importance of theological education among clergy members over time.
The article is based on original data as well as information from the literature, public databasesand archives. Original data was collected through semi-structured interviews. Data analysis was based on conventional qualitative content analysis. The interviews were conducted between 2012 and 2014 with Estonian-speaking priests, mainly in the Estonian Apostolic-Orthodox Church (EAOC).
Ure information on education of clergy members is sketchy and, as the interviews revealed, the actual situation can be different from that disclosed in public records. Information on education has been made public for less than half of the active clergy members of the Estonian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (EOCMP).
Both churches - the EOCMP and EAOC - place a strong emphasis on liturgical and practical religious experience alongside theological education. However, the policy of the churches has been to require or encourage clergy members to undergo theological training, which can be seen from the rising level of education among clergy compared to the previous century.
Ure opinions of clergy members about the importance of theological education for a priest have remained largely unchanged compared to the first half of the 20lh century. They believe that different requirements should be applied to priests in urban and rural parishes: the rural clergy needs more diverse and practical training in order to cope with rural life while the urban clergy would benefit from a more extensive academic education. The clergy members who responded were also rather unanimous that vocation is an essential requirement for priesthood, and theological education is only a support tool. The majority of clergy members who have higher education believe that theological education is necessary for a priest. At the same time most clergy members find that the lack of theological education should not be an obstacle to holding a clerical office and an absolute requirement, while occasionally having a potential of even being detrimental. In their opinion a skilful use of theological education can bring forth good fruit, but it is not the only precondition for being a good priest - the personality of the priest and his ability to establish a good relationship with parishioners are as important or even more important qualities in some cases.



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