Üleloomulikust väest inkade religioonis: huaca või callpa?


  • Tarmo Kulmar


Supernatural Power in the Religion of the Incas: huaca or callpa?
The article explores the expression of the concept of supernatural magical power in the religion of the Peruvian Incas. Ample examples of this expression have been provided in the chronicle texts recorded following the Spanish conquests in the 16th and 17th centuries.
First, an overview is given of occurrences of the concept of power in the Inca religion. It appears that the recurring feature of the Inca religion was belief in the supernatural power pervading the universe. This supernatural power was an object of worship and the Incas performed various religious and magical rituals to make use of it in their everyday life.
Secondly, the article explores classical definitions of the basic religio-phenomenological notions of “supernatural”, “power” and “magic”.
Thirdly, the dictionary definitions of the Quechua words huaca /waka/ or callpa / kallpa/1 are scrutinized. These concepts may be employed to denote supernatural magical power, being used in this sense by the leading chronicler of the Conquest era, Inca Garcilaso de la Vega.
The following conclusions are drawn:
1. As any supernatural energy, magical power included, represents a feature pertinent to a supernatural phenomenon, i.e. an attribute of the phenomenon, neither the chroniclers nor the researchers of the Inca religion have been and are inaccurate in using the concept huaca to signify such energy.
2. At the same time, there is evidently no error either in the use of the concept callpa, provided the context implies a case of a supernatural phenomenon operating on a physical or mental level. Likewise, the notion of callpa is appropriate in case of a soul, a spirit or a similar supernatural phenomenon.



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How to Cite

Kulmar, Tarmo. 2016. “Üleloomulikust väest Inkade Religioonis: Huaca Või Callpa?”. Usuteaduslik Ajakiri 70 (2):137-46. https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/UA/article/view/23786.



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