Eesti usukeel – quo vadis?
Siret Rutiku, The Estonian Language of Religion - quo uadis?
The article introduces the aims of the Estonian Science Foundation grant No. 5292 The structure and development of theological and religious vocabulary in the Estonian language and work done thus far. The main aim of the four-year research project is to organise Estonian theological and religious vocabulary as well as open this field - which has not been studied widely in Estonia before - to interdisciplinary research. In the framework of the grant a computer-based terminology database has been compiled and systematised since June 2003. The article focuses on the principles and problems of compiling this database.
Fetteroll, David. n.d.
Hint, Mati, ed. 2001. ‘Kellele Kuulub Eesti Keelekorraldus?’ In Keelekorralduse Konverents 18. Ja 19. Novembril 1999: Ettekanded. Eesti Keele Instituudi Toimetised 8. Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus.
Kaempfert, Manfred. 1974. ‘Lexikologie Der Religiösen Sprache’. In Sprachwissenschaft Für Theologen. Hamburg.
Norak, Andrus. 2002. ‘Usu sõnakusest ja sõnatusest’. Usuteaduslik Ajakiri 50 (1): 138–48.
Rutiku, Siret. 1999. Teoloogiliste Terminite Saksa-Eesti Õppesõnastik. Tartu: Akadeemiline Teoloogia Fond.
Usuteadusline Ajakiri, no. 2.