Sumeri kuningate nimekirja dateerimisest


  • Peeter Espak


Dating of the Sumerian King List
The paper discusses different options in dating the Sumerian mythological chronicle known under the title of the Sumerian King List. An overview of the structure and mythological background of the text is summarised in the paper followed by a discussion about the different possibilities in dating this ancient text. According to some opinions, the Sumerian King List must have been composed during or after the Isin Dynasty period in Mesopotamian history, since the last kings mentioned in the text are from the Isin Dynasty rulers. However, when analysing the mythological motives of the text and also taking into consideration some historical facts, the text seems to be in accordance with the ideological and mythological ideas popular during the reign of the Ur III Dynasty king Sulgi (2094-2047). Although there is no concrete or factual evidence to place the Sumerian King List to the Ur III period literary tradition, the author concludes, based on several similarities and circumstantial evidence pointing, with the possibility that dating the original version of the text into the period of king Sulgi seems highly probable.


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